19 April 2004

Taking It Home III

"Package for Mr. Rantisi". Another Hamas thug takes an Israeli missile up the poop chute. Talk about going after your root causes.

14 April 2004

Did I say fight to the death?

It looks like coming face to face with a band of well armed and extremely grim Marines has a salutary effect on even the hairiest "insurgent". According to this dispatch from Reuterville, Shiite thug Moqtada al-Sadr has said that if other Shiite leaders ask nicely, he'll consider ending what's left of his mob uprising and agree not to be crushed like an insect by the Big Green Shithammer.

12 April 2004

Burnt Japanese, not.

It's looking more and more like this at least started out as some kind of hoax by a trio of dim lefties. If that's the case, it would serve them right if the "captors" got carried away. Tim Blair has more, as do several others.

9 April 2004

Barbarians III

The savages responsible for this are far beyond the pale of civilisation. This description from AP News of the "brave warriors of Islam" needs no elaboration.

"Armed with assault rifles and rocket-propelled grenades, the kidnappers shouted "Allahu akbar" - God is great - in the video and held knives to the throats of the Japanese, who screamed and whimpered in terror.

Associated Press Television News obtained a copy of the full video, in which four masked men point knives and swords at the blindfolded captives as they lie on the floor of a room with concrete walls.

At one point, a gunman holds a knife to the throat of one of the men, whose blindfold has been removed; his eyes widen in panic and he struggles to try to get free. The woman screams and weeps."

Let's see how brave you are when a Marine puts an RPG up your ass.

A society that encourages and celebrates this kind of barbarism deserves no better than to be on the receiving end of a war without mercy. Does this "culture" also have a place in a multi-cultural society?

6 April 2004

Lies and Damned Lies

My dog has a better grasp of statistics than this. There is no way six months of looking at a population this size tells you anything of significance about whether a smoking ban was responsible for a reported reduction in heart attacks. If passive smoking takes decades to produce negative effects, how in hell did a ban reverse this in six months? There's no information about other changes people might have made, no information about enforcement, there's no information here period. How about some numbers on how many people froze to death while smoking outside?

Note well, I don't smoke. I don't like the smell of smoke. But health Nazis aren't allowed on Cold Mountain and this reeks of nanny-state propaganda.

2 April 2004

Barbarians in Fallujah

Peggy Noonan in the online Wall Street Journal is her usual eloquent self on the subject of the Barbarian Wars. Here's a quote, but read the whole thing.

"The world is used to bad news and always has been, but now and then there occurs something so brutal, so outside the normal limits of what used to be called man's inhumanity to man, that you have to look away. Then you force yourself to look and see and only one thought is possible: This must stop now. You wonder, how can we do it? And your mind says, immediately: Whatever it takes.

What they did in Fallujah, Iraq, yesterday was such an event. The ambush, grenading, shooting and killing of four American civilians, the setting of their SUVs on fire and the brutalization of their corpses was savage, primitive, unacceptable. The terrible glee of the young men in the crowds, and the sadism they evinced, reminds us of the special power of the ignorant to impede the good. The pictures that television appropriately mostly did not show and the Internet inevitably mostly did were horrifying in a way that was reminiscent of the first still pictures of the Trade Center victims of 9/11. It was like seeing people in business suits falling through the air again. It was as if someone pointed a camera at evil and actually caught it in the act.

The Americans who were murdered were, according to the wires, working for a security company, a North Carolina-based subcontractor hired by the U.S. government, among other things, to guard convoys.

The convoys carried food. They carried it to Fallujah."

It takes generations to civilize barbarian peoples, in the meantime they have to be restrained, by any means necessary.


Is this not sufficient to convince even the most ideology addled multi-culturalist that we are dealing with savages? Keep in mind that the barbarians who perpetrated this said they did it in the name of Islam. Have we not seen enough to know that this is the rule rather than the exception, that this is what lies just below the surface in Muslim society?