27 August 2004

Kerry Really Is Al Gore

It's kind of creepy really. Al invented the Internet, Kerry spent Christmas in Cambodia. Al inspired Love Story, Kerry has the Flying Dog Story. Al had his Blackberry, Kerry has his lucky CIA hat.

Hate Speech

What on earth can Georgina Beyer and her ilk have in mind with hate speech laws. There are already quite strict laws on making threats, inciting to riot, sedition, libel, slander, defamation and perjury. That pretty much covers the possible range of injury that you can do to a person or to the state by speech alone. Is there some heretofore undiscovered right not get one's feelings hurt (poor thing) or to avoid comment on one's actions, opinions or life style (watch out, that works two ways), or is it just to shut up people whose opinions they don't like.

26 August 2004

NZ's Own John Kerry

At least this guy had the sense of shame to resign when he was found out after making a bogus claim to have served in Vietnam. Oh wait, that was Cambodia that Kerry lied about. Hey, what's a border among friends.

24 August 2004

Is Kerry Just Gore on Prozac

Nothing against Prozac mind you. I think selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are fine things and the world could use more of them, especially if placed in the coffee at the Democratic National Committee, Labour HQ, or Margaret Wilson's whiskey.

Now that old John can't remember on Wednesday what he said on Monday, much less the details of that Christmas in Cambodia (I too once spent a Christmas eve thinking I was in Cambodia, so I have a certain amount of sympathy for Johnny's situation), maybe he'll play it straight from now on. Then again, playing it straight didn't work for Al either. The man just spoke too much nonsense too often.

Mark Steyn has a good take on this in the Telegraph. Reminds me of all those morons who thought Al Gore was an intellectual and Bush was a, well, moron. It was all too convenient to forget that Al(pha) was the college dropout--from theology of all things-- while Bush got the MBA.

20 August 2004

Talking About Asking For It

This seems like a very good way to end up in the same dozen or so unmarked graves as the late Osama bin Hasbeen. The Irraddiated...oops, that's Iranian, government should be looking for ways to imitate Boy Assad by keeping the hell out of sight. Instead they're just begging Bush to open up a big ole can of "W" brand Texas whoopass and serve it up hot to every Ayatollah, mullah, sub-mullah, ubergrupenmullah and assorted unshaven thug in Tehran.

14 August 2004

All Is Not Lost

I was thunderstruck this week in my law class when a dreadlocked, bejeaned woman whom I had taken for a rampant Greenie held forth with a perfectly reasonable and well-informed critique of the gloom mongering and mumbo-jumbo floating around about climate change. She is now a Goddess in my eyes and I shall refrain henceforth from judging books by their covers.

Saturday Night

Trying to stay awake long enough to watch the Blacks take down the Yarpies in their own backyard. With Carlos Spencer and his swollen head out and Mehrtens in, it might even happen.

3 August 2004

From The Academic Peanut Section

A few of the weeks better comments and, er, contributions to the class. Context: graduate level course in the law department of a major NZ university, subject: economic dislocations in the former Soviet Union:

" I mean just look at Russia, things are just so much worse there since McDonald's came in."

Only Christian forbearance saved this stupid cow from being unmasked as a cretin. Seventy years of a Communist police state has nothing to with it of course, nor today's corrupt rule by the KGB hardman Putin and his gang of former apparatchiks. Nor the fact that at any given moment a substantial portion of Russia's working age population are either drunk, working as hookers in Japan or standing in line for a visa to the Republic of Anywherebuthere.


Having descended from Cold Mountain to partake of the knowledge available at one of Godzone's finer tertiary institutions, I am dismayed to find that Tim Blair, Conrad, Jonah, Sully and the rest of the VRWC have been absolutely correct in their reaming of the academy. It's all there folks:contempt for science, left wing cant presented as common knowledge, cynicism as a substitute for critical thinking, astounding ignorance of the world, spoiled whinging instead of research, editorialising instead of debate. We have a lot of work to do, fellow conspirators, to arms!

Missing Posts

Some of my best work has vanished into cyberspace, evaporated into the ether, gone like the moa. Damn. Oh well, we'll start again.