18 March 2005

Root and Branch

Oh Dear. The wind blowing off Cold Mountain has upset Anonymous (whose overblown rhetoric gives him away as one B.Shuai, former editor of the Beijing based Non Union News and a dangerous, low-rent, Hunter Thmpson and savage lefty ideologue). Anon just loves the UN. Speaking of which, it was with a note of great delight that I watched Nanny Helen's love affair with the UN and all its works come to an end last week. How dare those cheeky bureaucrats-of-colour criticise Her government!? After years of slavishly bowing to the prevailing multi-lateral myths, she had to send Michael "Cannon Fodder" Cullen out to tell the UN to piss off. Great stuff.

2 March 2005

The Arab Street Rises at Last!

The Arab street has finally gotten around to rising. They didn't care when the Taliban was sent back to hell or Saddam chased into his rathole, but when it comes to democracy they do get riled. This looks a whole lot like the days before the Berlin wall fell. So why aren't all those left o' grams flying around with "I told you so." written in big red letters. Oh, that's right, the street was supposed to rise AGAINST the west. I guess being half right is never enough.