I'm back. It's been a busy and rather unpleasant few weeks here on the mountain. Never mind that though, I have a correction to make, No, no not of any my stuff..but of a certain mindset held by those on the left. Contrary to received wisdom, conservatives for the most part are not inclined to support "the party" or even Our Leader, when they do things that are overly ideologically unsound or, worse, things that are manifestly stupid. For that reason, the Republicans are highly likely to lose at at least one house of Congress in the upcoming election.
Whereas the Angry Left and their fellow travellers will donate to and vote for anyone, knave or fool, who is not the Other, conservatives will let their man or their party go down in flames rather than vote for someone who they believe takes them for granted or for fools.
Thus as W morphs into LBJ, his approval ratings plummet. Those aren't Democrats causing the numbers to go so low they'll soon have ro be measured on the Kelvin scale. Democrats, even nominal ones, were never on the positive side of that question. Those are conservatives voting with their bare or booted feet against a President and a party who have failed them on trade, failed them on the deficit, failed them on taxes, failed to prosecute the war, presided over a massive expansion of entitlements and corporate welfare and then took them for idiots during the immigration debate. Are American conservatives to be left with a choice between bad and worse?
Democrats should make W a saint. He's all but detroyed the house that Reagan built.
27 May 2006
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