25 June 2007

Rudy Gets It.

A few politicians actually get it. In truth, I suspect a lot of them do, but they're too PC, or morally obtuse, or just plain scared to say what they know to be true. John Howard gets it, Helen Clark doesn't. Nicolas Sarkozy gets it, Luis Zapatero doesn't.

And Rudy Guliani gets it. Here he is, courtesy of the NRO.

“I’ve had to watch two Democratic debates in order to prepare for mine, and I noticed something: All those hours of debating, and not once did they mention Islamic terrorism…. Did they think it wouldn’t be p.c.? Did they think it would be insulting? When you say ‘Islamic terrorists,’ the only people you’re insulting are … Islamic terrorists. And, really, we don’t care if we insult them.”

Exactly. Now imaging Billary or Odumbo saying that.

21 June 2007

How About an Anti Skull Fracture Bill

This poor child was certainly saved by the Anti-smacking Bill, what a relief. Oops, I meant to say
Barbarian not deterred from murdering a toddler by Sue Bradford's Bill
No one who would do this gives a rat's ass about Nanny's disapproval or whether section 87Z of the Nannny Will Get Extremely Cross Bill outlaws bashing in the brains of kid who's barely old enough to walk.

14 June 2007

There, I said it.

I've supported GW Bush over the last several years because I believe both John Kerry and Al Gore are bloviating non-entities. I still think that, and I think the country would be worse off if either of them had been elected. I've put up with a lot of insults, derision and general anti-Yank sentiment in my new home because of my support for the president. I supported Bush while holding down my bile over his Nixonite domestic policy and his incessant ass kissing of his worst enemies because of one thing--there's an existential threat to civilization in the form of the latest variant of fascism. There's a war on, and I trusted him to get the job done. Instead, he's let himself get tied in knots by politcal correctness, less-than-half measures, inconsistency and an inexplicable willingness to let the incompetents at State and CIA run this war.

In other words, you've lost me, Mr. President and if you've lost me, I hate to think how many others are gone. You, sir, have proven yourself a knave and a fool, and I sincerely regret my support for you. If there is one consolation, and it would be a weak one, it's that the alternatives were worse,

11 June 2007

It's Not Nice to Fool the Judge

Judges aren't known for for their sense of humour, and the one who sentenced Parisite to to the cooler obviously intended her to stay there. Back she goes, screaming for Mommy. One can only hope that he's also issued an order forbidding her to profit from her little stay by selling the story to the media. I wonder how much the sheriff got paid. Somebody ought to have a close look at his bank account.

8 June 2007

There's a First Time for Everything

It's safe to say that Al Sharpton and I don't agree about much. But he's square on with this. It sound's so Leninist that I hate to say it, but this woman is truly a parasite. Paris Hilton is the mirror image of OJ Simpson. It's not about race, it's about money and if you have enough money in America, the law doesn't apply to you. Does anybody believe that a poor person with a DUI who showed up late for court wouldn't be staring at a cell wall for at least 30 days? This vicious, parasitical hag is laughing at you.

1 June 2007

Goodbye and Good Luck to Clarity and Resolve

Clarity and Resolve is taking leave of the fight,hopefully temporarily. Patrick al-Kafir and the Hounds of Hell are heroes. Let's hope we see them again soon.