3 July 2007

"Your ideas are absurd"

I take it back about Tony Blair. Here he is. A little earlier would have been nice, but I'll take what I can get.

The reason we are finding it hard to win this battle is that we're not actually fighting it properly. We're not actually standing up to these people and saying, "It's not just your methods that are wrong, your ideas are absurd. Nobody is oppressing you. Your sense of grievance isn't justified."'

2 July 2007

Ken Livingstone Begins to Understand.

The headline reads, "London Mayor defends Muslims as bomb plot foiled." This might lead the innocent reader into believing that the Mayor had delivered yet another clueless, PC, apologia for Islam. In this instance though, Livingstone offers only a pro forma plea for understanding, and then goes on to say what George Bush, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown will not. The root of the problem is Saudi Arabia and its relentless funding of Wahabi death cult cells around the world. The sooner Britain, Europe, America and the Muslim countries of SE Asia wrap this package up and return to sender in Riyadh, the better. The two poles of Islamic fascism are Saudi Arabia and Pakistan where the shock troops are financed and trained. Perhaps deporting a few thousand homicidal maniacs back to the homeland would send a better message than either Foreign Office sweetness and light or large exploding objects.

"Allah, Allah!"

The NYT is not known for even attempting the truth much these days, but is it too much expect that the "Newspaper of Record" at least acknowledge the bleeding obvious?

Man wearing suicide belt leaps from burning car and struggles with the police while shouting "Allah, Allah." "Hmmm", say the brilliant reporters of the Times, "What do we have here?" Radical vegans? Oppressed Wiccans? Wait, maybe they're M-M-M-M-Muslims?

Nope, as it turns out, what we have here are just two more members of Britain's "South Asian" population struggling because they're "disenfranchised". Glad we cleared that up.

1 July 2007

Will Gordon Brown Be Churchill or Chamberlain?

Britain's Islamofascists have welcomed Gordon Brown to Number 10 with a right kick in the balls and a spit in the eye as well. Two large carbombs in London, mercifully discovered and disarmed, and a firebombing at Glasgow airport. And what's missing from the MSM reporting? Any suggestion whatsoever that the obvious suspects could be responsible. "Everything is on the table" said the Independent. Yep, could be the Irish, animal rights activists, fox hunters, disgruntled Anglicans, anti-monarchists. Why, it could have been YOU, citizen. Bollocks.

Two "Asian" men are in custody in Glasgow. I'll wager large sums that they're not Korean, Japanese or Sri Lankan. I'll wager still larger sums that they're not Hindu, Christian, Buddhist, or Zoroastrian. I'll wager pretty much everything I've got or hope to have that one or both has some variant of the word "Mohammed" in their name.