28 October 2007
No Limit Nannyism
There is truly no limit either to the reach of nannyism or to its hypocrisy. In Blighty, Nanny hopes to ban pregnant women from drinking so as not to harm the unborn child. That would be the same unborn child that may legally be dismembered,extracted from the womb and tossed into an incinerator. These people really do not have any capacity whatsoever for examining their own thoughts and actions.
18 October 2007
Tame Iti and Terrorism?
I haven't commented yet on the raids and arrests around New Zealand and the cries of terrorism. That's because no one except the police and the suspects knows what really went on, and they aren't saying. A few things strike me immediately about this:
1. Terrorism? I can't find where anyone in the police actually said anything about terrorism or terrorists or the Suppression of Terrorism Act, nor where anyone in the police has referred to Tame Iti or anyone else as a terrorist. That seems to have come exclusively from the media and politicians responding to something that the police never said.
2. The "Just Minding Our Business" Defense. Sorry, but if you're stockpiling weapons, ammunition and Molotov cocktails, we want to know why.
3. Biculturalism Strikes Again: State mandated biculturalism has never worked anywhere that it's ever been tried and it won't work in New Zealand. Once a "culture" (and just how does one decide what is Maori culture and what is not?)is designated as separate and immiscible, the next logical step is cultural separatism followed by political separatism. That way lies Balkanization in the literal sense of the word.
4. Just how far do Maori want to wind back the clock? Again the logical progression of the grievance culture is that iwi start feuding about who did what to whom in pre-European days. Shall Ngai Tahu be required to pack up and move back north?
5. Pita Sharples (as opposed to many of his colleagues) rarely says anything grossly stupid. However saying that the arrests have set back race relations 100 years is nonsense. Why isn't it Tame Iti's seditious conduct that has set back race relations 100 years? Further, does Dr. Sharples mean to imply that Maori that get a pass on serious criminal conduct because of historical grievances? Again, that way lies real terrorism.
1. Terrorism? I can't find where anyone in the police actually said anything about terrorism or terrorists or the Suppression of Terrorism Act, nor where anyone in the police has referred to Tame Iti or anyone else as a terrorist. That seems to have come exclusively from the media and politicians responding to something that the police never said.
2. The "Just Minding Our Business" Defense. Sorry, but if you're stockpiling weapons, ammunition and Molotov cocktails, we want to know why.
3. Biculturalism Strikes Again: State mandated biculturalism has never worked anywhere that it's ever been tried and it won't work in New Zealand. Once a "culture" (and just how does one decide what is Maori culture and what is not?)is designated as separate and immiscible, the next logical step is cultural separatism followed by political separatism. That way lies Balkanization in the literal sense of the word.
4. Just how far do Maori want to wind back the clock? Again the logical progression of the grievance culture is that iwi start feuding about who did what to whom in pre-European days. Shall Ngai Tahu be required to pack up and move back north?
5. Pita Sharples (as opposed to many of his colleagues) rarely says anything grossly stupid. However saying that the arrests have set back race relations 100 years is nonsense. Why isn't it Tame Iti's seditious conduct that has set back race relations 100 years? Further, does Dr. Sharples mean to imply that Maori that get a pass on serious criminal conduct because of historical grievances? Again, that way lies real terrorism.
New Zealand,
Tame Iti,
12 October 2007
And the Nobel Prize for Hypocrisy goes to... Al Gore
So Al Gore is odds on to win the Nobel Peace Prize. How utterly consistent with the mendacious, trivial, banal and pretentious history of this "prize". Al the Hypocrite can join other fabulists like Rigoberta Menchu, thieves like Kofi Annan, terrorists like Yasser Arafat, retired terrorists like Menachem Begin, enablers and apologists for terrorists like David Trimble, military dictators like Anwar Sadat, war criminals like Le Duc Tho, and enablers of war criminals like Henry Kissinger. In all seriousness, I wouldn't be surprised if the next prize went to Osama bin Laden or Mahmud Ahamdinejad.
So here's to Al. I wonder if he can find room in his mansion for the...what do they give you? A gold plated mirror? I wonder if he'll take the Lear or fly first class? There is little better symptom of the decline of civilization than that this bloated, lying rent seeker has somehow become an "intellectual".
If there's one good thing to come out of this, it will be that Al's already etiolated moral sense, fueled by his swollen ego will lead him to challenge Billary for the presidency, thereby ensuring the final demise of the Democratic Party. Maybe he'll launch a 3rd party. I'd give him a Nobel for that.
So here's to Al. I wonder if he can find room in his mansion for the...what do they give you? A gold plated mirror? I wonder if he'll take the Lear or fly first class? There is little better symptom of the decline of civilization than that this bloated, lying rent seeker has somehow become an "intellectual".
If there's one good thing to come out of this, it will be that Al's already etiolated moral sense, fueled by his swollen ego will lead him to challenge Billary for the presidency, thereby ensuring the final demise of the Democratic Party. Maybe he'll launch a 3rd party. I'd give him a Nobel for that.
1 October 2007
Green Hypocrisy
AWOL Civilization's post on truth inspired me to another rant about green hypocrisy and the general tendency of the left to indulge in groupthink. Remember Dan Rather’s “wrong, but true” libel of the President? Dan-o has since veered off into full fledged conspiracy theory loondom, but the best exemplars are of course the environmental hypocrites.
Al Gore is of course the poster boy for environmental hypocrisy with his private jet, his 5000 square foot mansion, and his habit of purchasing carbon indulgences from a company owned by….Al Gore. Then there is the Learjet left who assuage their guilt over the latest trip to Exuma or Biarritz by getting peasants in India to give up their irrigation pumps for the treadmill. The hyperwealthy blowhards like Mike Bloomberg with his three palatial homes who are happy to send the price of food soaring by subsidising “biofuels”. Even W, in thrall to the fram lobby has signed on to this one. And the story is much older than that. Let millions of poor Africans die of malaria because DDT is banned, let Mexican peasants go without tortillas because the corn crop is diverted to biodiesel projects. We need to start calling these people on their disgusting hypocrisy, but their moral obtuseness will probably make that a futile effort.
Al Gore is of course the poster boy for environmental hypocrisy with his private jet, his 5000 square foot mansion, and his habit of purchasing carbon indulgences from a company owned by….Al Gore. Then there is the Learjet left who assuage their guilt over the latest trip to Exuma or Biarritz by getting peasants in India to give up their irrigation pumps for the treadmill. The hyperwealthy blowhards like Mike Bloomberg with his three palatial homes who are happy to send the price of food soaring by subsidising “biofuels”. Even W, in thrall to the fram lobby has signed on to this one. And the story is much older than that. Let millions of poor Africans die of malaria because DDT is banned, let Mexican peasants go without tortillas because the corn crop is diverted to biodiesel projects. We need to start calling these people on their disgusting hypocrisy, but their moral obtuseness will probably make that a futile effort.
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