29 June 2008
Go Surfers.
Every now and again I'm reminded that there is justice in the world. In Malibu, surfers go all Jack Bauer on the scum of journalism. Here's the link.
27 June 2008
Warmenists vs The Poor, III
I thought I remembered this story from the London Times awhile back. It seems that if you're rich enough, you can assuage your guilt over your carbon crimes by sending a poor Indian peasant from the 21st Century back to the tecnhnology of the Bronze Age.
As the Times story (from 2007) puts it:
"Somewhere in the Indian countryside, a farmer is about to repay Mr Cameron’s debt to the planet. Climate Care’s latest enterprise is to provide “treadle pumps” to poor rural families so they can get water on to their land without using diesel power. The pumps are worked by stepping on pedals. If a peasant treads for two hours a day, it will take at least three years to offset the CO2 from Mr Cameron’s return flight to India"
So once that treadle pump is in place, who you do think is going to provide the muscle power? No, not Big Al Gore, although he could use the exercise. It will be the children who will in all liklihood be taken out of school to do the work.
Climate Care, an arm of JP Morgan's environmental markets group is the benevolent gang behind the scheme to let Third World peasants do the heavy lifting so green robed hypocrites can keep flying around to conferences.
As the Times story (from 2007) puts it:
"Somewhere in the Indian countryside, a farmer is about to repay Mr Cameron’s debt to the planet. Climate Care’s latest enterprise is to provide “treadle pumps” to poor rural families so they can get water on to their land without using diesel power. The pumps are worked by stepping on pedals. If a peasant treads for two hours a day, it will take at least three years to offset the CO2 from Mr Cameron’s return flight to India"
So once that treadle pump is in place, who you do think is going to provide the muscle power? No, not Big Al Gore, although he could use the exercise. It will be the children who will in all liklihood be taken out of school to do the work.
Climate Care, an arm of JP Morgan's environmental markets group is the benevolent gang behind the scheme to let Third World peasants do the heavy lifting so green robed hypocrites can keep flying around to conferences.
26 June 2008
Warmenists vs. The Poor, II
As I noted yesterday, the direct diversion of food crops into biofuel production and the change in cultivation from plants for food to plants for fuel will inevitably decrease the amount of food available in the market, raise prices and push the marginal poor right over into starvation. This Wall Street Journal story from Japan is an apt example. The farmer is being subsidized to grow a variety of rice suitable for conversion into ethanol instead of the food rice he used to grow. This wouldn't happen without subsidies. I don't know how ecofanatics sleep at night. Maybe they'll send some starvation offsets to Manila or Jakarta.
25 June 2008
Hmmm. I just watched Geert Wilder's film on Islam, Fitna. (It's posted at Pat Dollard's site.) I deliberately waited 3 months to watch it, as distance lends detachment. I see absolutely nothing controversial about this at all. Islamic fascism in its own words. Wilder's comments are a few seconds at the very end. Yeah, yeah, I know. You can take snippets of various extreme Christian preachers or ultra-Zionist rabbis and make a similar flick about Christianity or Judaism.
The difference of course is that the rest of Islam is either too cowed to disown the freaks in their midst, too ignorant to know how sick they are, or they understand perfectly what's going on and agree with it. Christians and Jews on the other hand generally fall all over themselves disowning anybody who's the slightest bit non-PC. Even Odumbo threw his own pastor to the mob when Jeremiah's opinions got a little too weird for the punters.
The difference of course is that the rest of Islam is either too cowed to disown the freaks in their midst, too ignorant to know how sick they are, or they understand perfectly what's going on and agree with it. Christians and Jews on the other hand generally fall all over themselves disowning anybody who's the slightest bit non-PC. Even Odumbo threw his own pastor to the mob when Jeremiah's opinions got a little too weird for the punters.
Warmenists vs. The Poor Part I
As anyone in an undergraduate economics class could tell you the fuel market and food markets were essentially separate. Rises in oil price had only an indirect marginal effect on the price of food through fuel and fertilizer costs. Climate fanatics however have suceeded in linking the two directly by enlisting Big Agriculture and Big Government in forcing biofuel mandates on the world. Not only are food crops like palm oil and soybeans now diverted directly to fuel production, agricultural land is diverted to the production of fuel crops rather than food crops. If you're growing corn for ethanol, you plant high sugar varieties, if you're growing for food, you want high protein. Less wheat, more corn, and so on. None of this could have happened without the perverse incentives of government subsidies. Congratulations for joining at the hip two groups who couldn't care less about the poor--climate fundmentalists and agribusiness.
When even the BBC gets it, it should be obvious to everyone.
When even the BBC gets it, it should be obvious to everyone.
23 June 2008
Warmenists Finally Go Around the Bend
This can't be parodied. This man is to all appearances serious about putting climate realists on trial. Junk science is what should be a crime. On the positive side, this kind of madness usually means that a trend has run its course. But does this wacko have a security clearance?
global warming,
junk science,
20 June 2008
Just When I Was About to Go Home
Just when I was considering abandoning this blog, Barack Obama and his whining wife get the Democratic nomination. If he gets elected, we are doomed. He's a tool of the Soros hypocrites and the PC brigade, he associates with racists and terrorists, and, I have to say, in a colorblind society, he wouldn't have gotten the nomination. As the few readers who visit know, I have no brief for Billary. But if she had gotten 90% of the white vote the way BO got 90% of the black vote, the cries of racism would still be echoing. If John McCain's pastor had said what Jeremiah Wright said, McCain could go home now.
He has a complete pass from the media, no one is going to go looking under the slimey rocks of Chicago politics, no one calls him on his contradictions and his airy-fairy pronouncements. Soooo, to arms. Let us deconstruct BO and his nonsense and send him to McGovernland.
He has a complete pass from the media, no one is going to go looking under the slimey rocks of Chicago politics, no one calls him on his contradictions and his airy-fairy pronouncements. Soooo, to arms. Let us deconstruct BO and his nonsense and send him to McGovernland.
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