When the Speaker of the House can't handle questions from a senile old hack like
Larry King, then it's time to move back to San Francisco and check into rehab.
Check out some of these:
KING: Before we talk about some other things, let's get right to the major story of the day.
What's your read on Russia/Georgia?
REP. NANCY PELOSI (D-CA), SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Well, everyone is speaking with one voice on the subject -- Democrats, Republicans, the Congress, the president -- that Russia must withdraw from Georgia. Russia's -- Georgia's borders must be protected -- respected and that we must have a conversation -- a diplomatic conversation in terms of NATO -- I mean more than a conversation -- to resolve the issues there.
Firmin: Oooh, Vlad the Impaler must be quaking in his jackboots. Nan is threatening SOMETHING MORE THAN A CONVERSATIONKING: But if they keep up this activity, do we have to, frankly, do something in the nature of returning the violence?
PELOSI: Well, I think we have to start first to try to get them to honor -- sign and honor a cease-fire, a truce. That's absolutely essential, because what the Russians did is really outside the circle of civilized behavior. You just don't roll your tanks and your airplanes into another country and expect people to sit back and say that's OK.
Firmin: If you're the Russians, that's exactly what you do, Nan. Look up Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Afghanistan for recent examples.KING: Do you fear the possibility of American boys and girls going there?
PELOSI: I think we can start with the Europeans. This is a neighborhood thing for NATO. I think the NATO forces, if there's a need for peacekeepers, can contribute to those. We're doing a lot as far as NATO is concerned in Afghanistan. We wish they'd do more there. They can do more in Georgia.
Firmin: Boys and girls? Sounds like we're going send the 7th grade of Thomas Jefferson Primary. It's a neighbourhood thing after all. This is a 10 on the gibberish scale.KING: So you don't see Americans being involved in this conflict?
PELOSI: Well, I would hope that it would be resolved, again, respecting the borders, honoring the truth and engaging in diplomatic -- a discussion on how to resolve the problems there.
Firmin: C'mon Nan, just admit it. You couldn't find Georgia on a map if it was tattooed on your butt. You don't have a clue what's going on.