As Mark Steyn relates in this post to The Corner on NRO, the authorities are reacting in the predictable manner to the Detroit Weenie imposing more restrictions on everybody else. To Steyn's words, I would add only that these measures are aimed not only at increasing the perception of security at the expense of the reality, but at doing so in an exquisitely politically correct manner. What needs to happen here, at least until Zoroastrians and Anabaptists get into the suicide bombing business, is--let's all say it together now--PROFILING. Young Muslim men don't get to fly without a very extensive questioning and search...period. Inconvenient for the very silent majority of believers? Yep.\
Then clean your own house.
28 December 2009
3 December 2009
If Kevin Rudd jumped off a bridge, would you jump, too?
Didn't young Johnny Key ever hear that from his mum? I guess not. And I guess party affiliation is no guarantee of immunity against getting lost in the deep weeds of warmenism. John Key will go to Copenhagen for the Climatefest because, well, because "Awww Mum, everyone else is going."
2 December 2009
Name and Shame: Hyperwealthy Blowhard Watch

Almost nothing triggers my gag reflex like some hypocrite with a bloated bank account telling the rest of us how to live green while they suck up as much carbon and flatulate as much as they please. Tiny little beer can cars and poisonous flickering lightbulbs, holidays in the back garden and freezing houses for the rest of us. But for the Green Priesthood, it's private jets, 24 hour blazing incandescence, Humvees, and big stonking fireplaces. These people need to be exposed for the liars and hypocrites they are. They need to be singled out and ridiculed for their pathetic excuses and their preening arrogance. And so, presenting the Hyperwealthy Blowhard of the Day, the man NRO called the Green Governator, His Bloated Terminatorship, Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Arnold want's the rest of us to walk, bike, or take public transport (Right, Arnie, in LA.), while he drives one of these AND one of these, and he used to drive one of these. Now it's Governor Busybody's money and and he can spend it anyway he wants....but get off my ass, Arnie about how I spend my mine.
Al Gore,
Arnold Schwazenegger,
global warming,
nanny state
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