7 October 2004


What is it with the Christchurch Press and ACT? Has Rodney Hide somehow offended folks in our fair city? I was at the ACT regional conference last week and I saw a bunch of people, suits and jeans-wearers alike, who are seriously tired of handing over more than a third of their income to Helengrad to hand out on Labour's little vote buying schemes. Rodney wound up the crowd with a humorous, have-to-laugh-to-keep-from-crying, speech on how Nanny Helen and and her little helpers have a solution to everybody's problems--just hand over more money to Nanny, and she'll help you spend it on the right things. Catherine Judd, what a woman, made the assembled press look small and small-minded. Deborah Coddington gave an excellent speech on the NCEA. (Saint) Roger Douglas rallied the faithful.

Keep Don Brash honest....give your party vote to ACT.

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