Vital Perspective is one of the few blogs to explore the links between Beijing and Islamists and China's hopes of using Islamism to harass and distract the US...as long as it doesn't include Muslims in Xinjiang of course. China has its own little Chechnya in waiting out there. I hope Zahar has time to get some suits made while he's in China.
"Why Jihad Watch?
Because the West is facing a concerted effort by Islamic jihadists, the motives and goals of whom are largely ignored by the Western media, to destroy the West and bring it forcibly into the Islamic world...
HAS anyone ever heard a more absurd formulation of the actual Jihadist agenda than this? Self-serving, ultimately self-fulfilling, such a conception represents the ultimate "israelification" of one's conception of the world; the final triumph of the conflation of "security" with survival. Mr Firmin needs to cleanse his mind (and his blog) of such trash forthwith.
Oh my. "conflation of security with survival"? Which of these don't you want? What, pray tell, is your formulation of the jihadist agenda? Let me guess, "If only those pesky Jews would just go away, then we could get on with peacefully propagating our benign and peaceful religion."
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