9 July 2008

The Pot & The Kettle: Vodafone & Telecom

I read somewhere last year that some wag had said ...all New Zealanders hate Telecom and there's nothing they hate worse than the thought of giving them any more money for anything else. Add Vodafone to the list. When is the government going to open the mobile and broadband markets in this country and cut these gougers off at the knees.

The New Zealand consumer is getting raped by these people (Sky TV is another offender, but that's a tale for another day). We have the most expensive and worst broadband and mobile service on the planet because of the Vodacom duopoly.

Boycott the iPhone (which is no prize either...I've got one, I know). If you have to buy it, get it off the Internet or have a mate bring you one from Singapore or Europe.

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