21 November 2003

And Now Will They Learn....

Islamist mass murder in Turkey, Iraq, and in the heart of the beast itself. Have any of the bleeding left done their math? al-Qaeda and the Baathist rump have killed a lot more Muslims this month than the Israeli military. Meanwhile people who can't spell globalisation (or with a "z" for our American friends) or find Baghdad on a map of Baghdad are demonstrating their seriousness of purpose by wearing funny costumes and milling about in the streets of London.

No one is immune, no one. Got that? The Islamofascists cannot be reasoned with, bribed, appeased, or appealed to as brothers in the faith or fellow human beings. They can only be defeated by force of arms. It must be done and it will be done.

16 November 2003


They choked, they panicked, they fumbled, they flipped, they did everything but play rugby. Well, maybe it will at least bring the government down. The amount of crap I'll have to take from my Aussie colleagues is terrifying to contemplate.

5 November 2003

Michael Howard

The NRO has an excellent little piece on the new Tory leader. Can the New Zealand centre right find someone like this. The cerebral Don Brash will need someone like Michael Howard to appeal to "middle New Zealand".

3 November 2003

A Near Run Thing

Don't be fooled by the final score against Wales yesterday. The Welshmen were ferocious on the attack and defended the try lines like their lives depended on it. Only the All Blacks' better conditioning saved the day when the dragon began to tire in the second half. Look out, England.

Not to tell Brother Mitchell how to suck eggs, but if his men play that way against the yarpies, the Blacks are going down.

What a game.