No need to link to or watch the Saddam snuff film. I looked at the official one...I truly think that he didn't believe until the floor dropped away that they'd really do it.
Cremate him and use his ashes in the butt tray at the cigar bar in the Peninsula.
31 December 2006
6 November 2006
Swinging Saddam
Saddam to the gallows.
The real utility of stretching the Saddamite neck is the salutary effect that it will hopefully have on Boy Assad and various other jihadist enablers. The lesson for them is that regardless of what chaos and bloodshed may follow, if you provoke us enough, you personally will be on the gibbet. Make no mistake, they're watching.
The real utility of stretching the Saddamite neck is the salutary effect that it will hopefully have on Boy Assad and various other jihadist enablers. The lesson for them is that regardless of what chaos and bloodshed may follow, if you provoke us enough, you personally will be on the gibbet. Make no mistake, they're watching.
2 November 2006
John Kerry : Idiot.
The Dems must be wishing that John Kerry would just go away or maybe start campaigning for the Republicans. Everytime he issue some lame non-apology, he digs the hole a little deeper, shoves the foot towards his larnyx.
Check outthe "apology":
I sincerely regret that my words were misinterpreted to wrongly imply anything negative about those in uniform and I personally apologize to any service member, family memebr or American who was offended."
The problem of course is that that there wasn't any misinterpretation. The plain of meaning of his words could not have been misunderstood, and he didn't imply anything...he said directly that anyone serving in Iraq is there because they're either stupid, uneducated or lazy. Way to go Mr. Nuance.
Kerry's problem is that he lives with one foot in Zillionaireland and the other in 1970.
Check outthe "apology":
I sincerely regret that my words were misinterpreted to wrongly imply anything negative about those in uniform and I personally apologize to any service member, family memebr or American who was offended."
The problem of course is that that there wasn't any misinterpretation. The plain of meaning of his words could not have been misunderstood, and he didn't imply anything...he said directly that anyone serving in Iraq is there because they're either stupid, uneducated or lazy. Way to go Mr. Nuance.
Kerry's problem is that he lives with one foot in Zillionaireland and the other in 1970.
10 October 2006
Bad Options and Worse Ones
North Korea's nuclear weapon leaves civilization with only bad options and worse ones. We've only ourselves to blame: 20 years of feckless American diplomacy, 20 years of Chinese encouragement and acquiesence, have brought us to this point. It's too late for a military solution and far too late for a political one. It is near inevitable that Japan will complete its own nuclear weapons program. South Korea will either follow suit or put its head even further in the sand. Having let Pyongyang build and explode a weapon, our impotence in regard to Tehran or any other third world shithole with an internet connection, two electricians, and a plumber is now obvious.
A least bad option? Call Hu Jintao and tell him that unless he puts the very hard word on Kim and backs it up--now--with action, the the United States will publically announce that it, in the current strategic environment, can no longer in good conscience object to a nuclear armed South Korea, Japan and Taiwan. What could China realistically do? For a start, Beijing could close down all North Korean connected businesses in Macau. NoKo trading and shipping companies in Macau act as Kim's defacto overseas banking and trade arm. The North Korean Embassy in Beijing should be closed. Again NoKo embassies in large part exist as smuggling operations for drugs and counterfeit currency, and Beijing has the biggest one.
Not much, but thanks to the studpidity of three successive American presidents, it's all we've got.
A least bad option? Call Hu Jintao and tell him that unless he puts the very hard word on Kim and backs it up--now--with action, the the United States will publically announce that it, in the current strategic environment, can no longer in good conscience object to a nuclear armed South Korea, Japan and Taiwan. What could China realistically do? For a start, Beijing could close down all North Korean connected businesses in Macau. NoKo trading and shipping companies in Macau act as Kim's defacto overseas banking and trade arm. The North Korean Embassy in Beijing should be closed. Again NoKo embassies in large part exist as smuggling operations for drugs and counterfeit currency, and Beijing has the biggest one.
Not much, but thanks to the studpidity of three successive American presidents, it's all we've got.
9 October 2006
North Korea Tests Nuke?
Matt Drudge is reporting via AP and South Korean media that Bouffaint Boy has lit off a nuclear weapon.
Now what?
Now what?
4 October 2006
Nanny Must Be So Disappointed
Nanny Helen must be bitterly disappointed that after all work pretending that she thinks the UN is worth a rat's ass, they pass her over for Secretary General. I'm sort of bummed about it, too. At least she wouldn't have been a corrupt African quango, an unrepentant Nazi or the loser foreign minister of an Arab dictatorship. Also, if they'd picked Helen, New Zealand would have finally seen the back of her.
Asian Proliferation
If I were Hu Jintao,this would have me more than a little vexed. If North Korea does test a nuclear device, the only rational strategic response for Japan and South Korea is to do the same. On a list of things that China does not want to see in international politics, a nuclear Japan had got to come in at number 2, maybe even tied for first with an independent Taiwan.
From China's point of view North Korea must be like an ugly and unpleasant dog that the kids left behind when they went away to college. It snarls at the postman, barks all night, bites you when you pet it and shits on the carpet, but you just can't quite bring yourself to throw the damn thing into the river.
From China's point of view North Korea must be like an ugly and unpleasant dog that the kids left behind when they went away to college. It snarls at the postman, barks all night, bites you when you pet it and shits on the carpet, but you just can't quite bring yourself to throw the damn thing into the river.
Didn't Work Then, Won't Work Now.
The Investors Business Daily has this editorial on the departure of arch-scumbag and congenital idiot Mark Foley. The Democrats have covered up, protected and preserved the careers of at least four of their number, including Bill Clinton, in the face of sex scandals as bad as or worse (in the case of Garry Studds) than Foley's. I'm sure this was intended as an October surprise. The benefit to Republicans of course is that they can point to their own condemnation, censure and probable prosecution of Foley in contrast to the Democrats' excusing their own creeps.
It's exactly like the Democrats sudden revelation of W's 30 year old DUI while the Chivas soaked Ted Kennedy remains an elder statesman. After all Ted only killed someone in his own alcoholic haze. Meanwhile Kennedy's degenerate nephew and Democratic Congressman goes racing around Washington soaked to the eyeballs in Scotch and tranquilisers. The voters smell hypocrisy a mile away...didn't work then, won't work now.
It's exactly like the Democrats sudden revelation of W's 30 year old DUI while the Chivas soaked Ted Kennedy remains an elder statesman. After all Ted only killed someone in his own alcoholic haze. Meanwhile Kennedy's degenerate nephew and Democratic Congressman goes racing around Washington soaked to the eyeballs in Scotch and tranquilisers. The voters smell hypocrisy a mile away...didn't work then, won't work now.
28 September 2006
Well, I Guess That's It Then.
ViaMatt Drudge, it seems the Senate is now "in play".
Yep, a little more wishful thinking by the NYT, a few more felonies committed by Democrat supporters in the CIA or State, a few more smear jobs on George Allen (Did you ever try to put a deer head in a mailbox?), a few more psychotic episodes from Bill, and that should do it... a permanent Republican majority that is.
The hatchet job that the Wapo and the NYT are trying to pull on Allen is straight out of an old Soviet disinformation handbook. Get someone to make an outrageous statement (or just make it up), plant the story (Questions have emerged about.....), the wire services pick it up (The New York Times reported today that....)
It's sleazy, unprofessional, and so NYT. Welcome to the new Pravda.
Yep, a little more wishful thinking by the NYT, a few more felonies committed by Democrat supporters in the CIA or State, a few more smear jobs on George Allen (Did you ever try to put a deer head in a mailbox?), a few more psychotic episodes from Bill, and that should do it... a permanent Republican majority that is.
The hatchet job that the Wapo and the NYT are trying to pull on Allen is straight out of an old Soviet disinformation handbook. Get someone to make an outrageous statement (or just make it up), plant the story (Questions have emerged about.....), the wire services pick it up (The New York Times reported today that....)
It's sleazy, unprofessional, and so NYT. Welcome to the new Pravda.
25 September 2006
What is it with Democrat ex-Presidents and ex-almost-Presidents and loser candidates going loonier than a zoo after leaving office. As Mark Levin points out in the NRO, Bill Clinton is certifiable. Add to that Al Gore's lunatic rants, Howard Dean's primal screaming, and Jimmy Carter's paranoid fantasies, you get the picture that thorazine should be a big part of the Democrat primary process. The last Democrat to just go away and leave us alone was Lyndon Johnson, although he was about as stable as Macbeth, having taken over from the drug-addled sex addict Kennedy. OK, Nixon was no picture of mental health, but for the most part Republicans are sane to the point of boring.
Break Over.
I've been away and been busy. A lot of idiocy has occurred while I was taking a nap. John McCain turns into bizarre cross betweenNelson Rockefeller and Neville Chamberlain, Islamofascists see no irony at all for wanting to behead the Pope for suggesting that Islam might just have an anger problem, the Israeli government gets suckered by the UN one more time. On the other hand, Billy's little tantrum on Fox, the possibility that Osama may have died in his cave, paralysed, shitting himself and gasping for breath, and ever increasing signs that maybe the West is opening one eye to the new fascism help balance the ledger a little bit.
20 August 2006
The UN Does What It Does Best..Nothing.
This would be funny if it weren't so pathetically stupid. The Secretray General, rising to ever more precious heights of obstructionism and hypocrisy says:
"It is not expected to achieve by force what must be realized through negotiation and an internal Lebanese consensus," Annan said in a report to the UN Security Council on implementation of the Aug. 11 resolution calling for an end to the Israeli-Hizbullah conflict."
Thirty years of negotiation has brought us to the point of war. Earth to Kofi:
Security will be achieved by force or it won't be achieved at all.
"It is not expected to achieve by force what must be realized through negotiation and an internal Lebanese consensus," Annan said in a report to the UN Security Council on implementation of the Aug. 11 resolution calling for an end to the Israeli-Hizbullah conflict."
Thirty years of negotiation has brought us to the point of war. Earth to Kofi:
Security will be achieved by force or it won't be achieved at all.
11 August 2006
AP's Evasions
Here's the story from AP on the persons whose assets have been frozen by the bank of England in connection with the plot to commit mass murder in the sky. At the end, AP notesthat "many of the subjects had Muslim names". Of course that's not quite accurate. ALL of them, as in 100 per cent, had Muslim names. All right, there are a few non-Muslims with Muslim names, but I'll wager George Soros' dividend cheque that none of these lads went to mass yesterday. Here's the list: not a Seamus, Billy Bob, Juan or Sven among them. What could possibly be the point in pretending any further that this is not a Muslim problem?
1.ALI, Abdula, Ahmed
2. ALI, Cossor
3. ALI, Shazad, Khuram
4. HUSSAIN, Nabeel
5. HUSSAIN, Tanvir
6. HUSSAIN, Umair
7. ISLAM, Umar
8. KAYANI, Waseem
9. KHAN, Assan, Abdullah
10. KHAN, Waheed, Arafat
11. KHATIB, Osman, Adam
12. PATEL, Abdul, Muneem
13. RAUF, Tayib
14. SADDIQUE, Muhammed, Usman
15. SARWAR, Assad
16. SAVANT, Ibrahim
17. TARIQ, Amin, Asmin
18. UDDIN, Shamin, Mohammed
19. ZAMAN, Waheed
1.ALI, Abdula, Ahmed
2. ALI, Cossor
3. ALI, Shazad, Khuram
4. HUSSAIN, Nabeel
5. HUSSAIN, Tanvir
6. HUSSAIN, Umair
7. ISLAM, Umar
8. KAYANI, Waseem
9. KHAN, Assan, Abdullah
10. KHAN, Waheed, Arafat
11. KHATIB, Osman, Adam
12. PATEL, Abdul, Muneem
13. RAUF, Tayib
14. SADDIQUE, Muhammed, Usman
15. SARWAR, Assad
16. SAVANT, Ibrahim
17. TARIQ, Amin, Asmin
18. UDDIN, Shamin, Mohammed
19. ZAMAN, Waheed
"We are at war with Islamic fascism"
W has uttered the truth at last. There is no war with some amorphous thing called terrorism. There is a war with the murderous proponents of an ideological movement, its state sponsors and its enablers. Islam in these terms is not a religion. It's an expressly political enterprise, an ideology and one that's practiced by an indentifiable group of people who can be located and dealt with as required.
When the names of the arrested are known, the list won't contain any Muellers, Mulligans, McDonalds, Matsumotos, Mas, Munoz's or Moskowitzs. There will be a number of Mohammads. They won't be of of Swedish, Burmese, Korean, Ugandan or Jamaican origin. They will be from Pakistan, Bangladesh or some other country that has Islam as a state ideology.
The next step is to demand that Muslims who want to live and let live disown the fascists among them.
When the names of the arrested are known, the list won't contain any Muellers, Mulligans, McDonalds, Matsumotos, Mas, Munoz's or Moskowitzs. There will be a number of Mohammads. They won't be of of Swedish, Burmese, Korean, Ugandan or Jamaican origin. They will be from Pakistan, Bangladesh or some other country that has Islam as a state ideology.
The next step is to demand that Muslims who want to live and let live disown the fascists among them.
10 August 2006
A good question.
As noted first by Cartoon Nazi, there were 29 US senators who voted with the White House on the war. Only one of them is Jewish. Only one of them was particularly singled out by the moonbat left for defeat. Why not any one of the other 28?
9 August 2006
Good news, but sad news.
Joe Lieberman's loss in the Connecticut primary and Cynthia McKinney's melt-down in Georgia are both good news. McKinney was barking mad and a racist at that, so good riddance whether a Democrat or a Republican ultimately takes her seat. Lieberman's demolition by the angry left is sign of the Democratic Party's further marginalization. Remember that this is the man who saved Bill Clinton's presidency, and who was deemed worthy to carry the party's banner as a vice-presidential candidate. Now the Democrats' moonbat wing has forced him from the party in what can be fairly described as a purge. As a conservative, I must admit that the spectacle of the party of FDR and John Kennedy turing into the party of wealthy eccentrics like Al Gore and Michael Moore, dimbulbs and dilettantes like John Kerry, Chivas-soaked has-beens like Ted Kennedy, and nutcases like Cindy Sheehan engenders a bit of schadenfreude. But as an American, I find it sad. The Democrats are headed for schism, and the Republicans will be the stronger for it, but politics in America will be the poorer. In a way this reflects the end of a Cold War consensus on national security that perhaps should have ended with the Cold War. Perhaps it will lead to ideological realignment similar to the UK's Tories and New Labour, but the road to a new stability where ideological differences end where existential threats to the nation begin will be a long and unpleasant one.
1 August 2006
Gone Troppo in Reuterville
In Reuterville, everything is a sign of global warming. Fromthis article:"SYDNEY (Reuters) - Rare, mother-of-pearl colored clouds caused by extreme weather conditions above Antarctica are a possible indication of global warming, Australian scientists said on Tuesday."
Then later in the same article:
"Nacreous clouds can only form in temperatures lower than minus 80 degrees Celsius (minus 112 Fahrenheit).
Meteorologist Renae Baker said a weather balloon in the vicinity of the clouds in the stratosphere about 20 km (12 miles) above the Earth's surface measured temperatures as low as minus 87 Centigrade (minus 124.6 F).
"That's about as cold as the lowest temperatures ever recorded on the surface of the Earth," Baker, who photographed the clouds, said in a statement.
This is, what's the word, STUPID, even for global warming cultists, even in Reuterville.
Then later in the same article:
"Nacreous clouds can only form in temperatures lower than minus 80 degrees Celsius (minus 112 Fahrenheit).
Meteorologist Renae Baker said a weather balloon in the vicinity of the clouds in the stratosphere about 20 km (12 miles) above the Earth's surface measured temperatures as low as minus 87 Centigrade (minus 124.6 F).
"That's about as cold as the lowest temperatures ever recorded on the surface of the Earth," Baker, who photographed the clouds, said in a statement.
This is, what's the word, STUPID, even for global warming cultists, even in Reuterville.
7 July 2006
Wellington Blows.
Nothing like a trip to Wellington to make one appreciate Christchurch. How did this place ever become the capital? The road network was designed by bored crack addicts with no regard to either the permanent torrential rain or the frequent landslides, the street lights seem to be powered by cheap batteries and give off a weak, useless pink glow that does nothing to penetrate the gloom. Everything seems kind of fungal and mouldy and the whole city smells like it has athlete's foot.
Parking is double the price in Christchurch and what little there is of it has been contracted out to a deranged scalper named "Wilson".
The vaunted Wellington dining experience is the same generic Asian crap, pub grub, and American fast-food that you can get in Bluff or Eketahuna.
Theairport was apparently designed to channel the roaring 40s wind straight across the runway.
South Island independence anybody?
Parking is double the price in Christchurch and what little there is of it has been contracted out to a deranged scalper named "Wilson".
The vaunted Wellington dining experience is the same generic Asian crap, pub grub, and American fast-food that you can get in Bluff or Eketahuna.
Theairport was apparently designed to channel the roaring 40s wind straight across the runway.
South Island independence anybody?
Why the NYT and not the WSJ?
My frequent correspondent B. Shuai asks why we lambaste the poor NYT but not the "right-wing" Wall Street Journal. Actually we don't particularly care for the WSJ's chamber of commerce brand of conservatism either, but that's another story. The answer to Brother Shuai's question is
Te Papa
Te Papa? I'm sorry, but this is NOT a museum, it's an arcade. All the worthwhile exhibitions cost extra--a lot extra-- and there's only enough parking for about a tenth of the suckers, I mean patrons, who are trapped there by the crappy weather.
30 June 2006
Mr. Assad, this is your wake-up call.
You have to like this. The last time the Israelis buzzed Boy Assad's house the sonic boom broke the windows. Message: We know where you live.
It must really suck to be a Great Dictator and not be able to take a nap when you want to.
It must really suck to be a Great Dictator and not be able to take a nap when you want to.
New York Times: Yawn.
The latest act of treason at the New York Times should have been anticipated. The NYT long ago stopped having anything original to say. They're more like the old Pravda or the Peoples Daily in that on any issue you know, without reading the story, exactly what the Times is going to say.
They used to be important, then they were deliberately obtuse and kind of patronizing, now they're just boring.
They used to be important, then they were deliberately obtuse and kind of patronizing, now they're just boring.
Stop, or we'll blow ourselves up.
"Hamas Sets Conditions For Soldier's Release"
Doesn't look to me like the bright boys in Gaza City are in any position to have conditions about anything.
Doesn't look to me like the bright boys in Gaza City are in any position to have conditions about anything.
22 June 2006
Report an Unusual Animal to ABC
What If There's Already a Warhead?
I hope (but without much confidence) that someone besides me is thinking about this. What if Bouffant Boy has already put some kind of warhead on the missile that North Korea is about to test? What if BB has decided that a demonstration detonation in the Aleutians or somewhere in the north Pacific would be a dandy way to impress the world with his seriousness? What do we know: 1) the NoKo's have at least one weaponized fission device; 2) the NoKo's have at least one--but probably only one-- long range missile; 3) the NoKo's are led by a man whose world view is not, strictly speaking, firmly grounded in objective reality. Given those three facts, shouldn't we (by which I mean the West), be giving serious consideration to destroying the launch site? We know where it is, we can see it and we have all sorts of large explosive devices that can be delivered with great accuracy. (right, Zark? What was that? You're gurgling again.) We do not, a week from now, want to be explaining why Seattle will be uninhabited for the next 400 years due to fallout from one explosion somewhere in Alaska.
19 June 2006
Just Shoot It Down
If Kim "Bouffant Boy" Jong-il goes ahead with his missile test, the United States and Japan should make every effort to shoot the thing down. I don't know whether we have any functioning component of SDI in the area, but if so this would be as good a time as any for a live test. What are North Korean's going to do, complain to the UN? Then again.....
Keep Your Eye on the Red Dot
"North Korea appeared close Sunday to test-firing a long-range missile capable of reaching the United States, prompting the White House to warn of an appropriate response and Japan to threaten a "fierce" protest to the United Nations."
Just listen for the loud bang, Bouffant Boy.
Just listen for the loud bang, Bouffant Boy.
10 June 2006
What was that? Rosebud? Raisins?
"He mumbled something, but it was indistinguishable and it was very short," U.S. military spokesman Maj. Gen. William Caldwell said at a news conference."
Rot in hell.
Rot in hell.
9 June 2006
8 June 2006
Abu al-Zarqawi, Dead Man.
If this BBC story is correct, it's a great day. Rumours of this thug's demise have been exaggerated in the past however, so I'll hold off on the celebrating until I see some body parts. Maybe one of those jammed machine guns let him down. At any rate he was a murderous, psychotic sub-human and he died like a rat in a hole.
7 June 2006
Just When You Think It Can't Get Worse
Nurse Martin has not been struck off.
Granted the conditions imposed means that she's unlikely to practice again, but why didn't the board just say that this person believes that it is permissable to take a human life if she thinks her victim is suffering too much, and so is utterly unfit to be a nurse...and especially unfit to work in critical care and intensive care, which is her specialization?
Just imagine, you're in intensive care after an accident, in terrible pain and just this side of the grave, but man, you do want to fight, you do want to live...and who walks in but Nurse Angel-of-Death.
Just let me know which hospital she winds up at so I can avoid it.
Granted the conditions imposed means that she's unlikely to practice again, but why didn't the board just say that this person believes that it is permissable to take a human life if she thinks her victim is suffering too much, and so is utterly unfit to be a nurse...and especially unfit to work in critical care and intensive care, which is her specialization?
Just imagine, you're in intensive care after an accident, in terrible pain and just this side of the grave, but man, you do want to fight, you do want to live...and who walks in but Nurse Angel-of-Death.
Just let me know which hospital she winds up at so I can avoid it.
6 June 2006
Hospital Waiting Lists a Problem? Call Nurse Martin
TVNZ has this story on would-be murderer Lesley Martin's hearing as to whether or not she should be struck off as a nurse. Why, surely there's no reason why a woman who did her best to murder her own mother as an act of "mercy" shoudn't be allowed to nurse other peoples parents. To quote from the story:
"Martin, who is a nurse, was found guilty of attempting to murder her mother by an overdose of morphine, and spent seven-and-a-half months in Arohata prison.
The Nursing Council referred Martin to the Tribunal after conducting an investigation that concluded her conduct might affect her fitness to practise as a nurse."
Got that? Being a euthanasia campaigner and trying to commit murder MIGHT affect her fitness to be a nurse.
"Martin, who is a nurse, was found guilty of attempting to murder her mother by an overdose of morphine, and spent seven-and-a-half months in Arohata prison.
The Nursing Council referred Martin to the Tribunal after conducting an investigation that concluded her conduct might affect her fitness to practise as a nurse."
Got that? Being a euthanasia campaigner and trying to commit murder MIGHT affect her fitness to be a nurse.
4 June 2006
What do these 12 people have in common?
1. Fahim Ahmad, 21, Toronto;
2. Zakaria Amara, 20, Mississauga, Ont.;
3. Asad Ansari, 21, Mississauga;
4. Shareef Abdelhaleen, 30, Mississauga;
5. Qayyum Abdul Jamal, 43, Mississauga;
6. Mohammed Dirie, 22, Kingston, Ont.;
7. Yasim Abdi Mohamed, 24, Kingston;
8. Jahmaal James, 23, Toronto;
9. Amin Mohamed Durrani, 19, Toronto;
10. Steven Vikash Chand alias Abdul Shakur, 25, Toronto;
11. Ahmad Mustafa Ghany, 21, Mississauga;
According to the Mounties, nothing at all. They're just lads from the "broad spectra of society" who "for various reasons appear to have become adherents of a violent ideology inspired by al-Qaeda." "Various reasons?" "Appear to to have become"? Let's see if it works better my way, twelve urban dwelling Muslims purchase three tons of ammonium nitrate, enough to take out a city block. Nah, just a coincidence I'm sure. Probably just wanted to plant some potatoes in the vegie patch. Broad spectra of society? As Michelle Malkin puts it, a regular Benetton ad. Yep, no way twleve bearded Muslim men who attended training camp together could have anything in common, and you sir, are racist and a knave for thinking otherwise.
2. Zakaria Amara, 20, Mississauga, Ont.;
3. Asad Ansari, 21, Mississauga;
4. Shareef Abdelhaleen, 30, Mississauga;
5. Qayyum Abdul Jamal, 43, Mississauga;
6. Mohammed Dirie, 22, Kingston, Ont.;
7. Yasim Abdi Mohamed, 24, Kingston;
8. Jahmaal James, 23, Toronto;
9. Amin Mohamed Durrani, 19, Toronto;
10. Steven Vikash Chand alias Abdul Shakur, 25, Toronto;
11. Ahmad Mustafa Ghany, 21, Mississauga;
According to the Mounties, nothing at all. They're just lads from the "broad spectra of society" who "for various reasons appear to have become adherents of a violent ideology inspired by al-Qaeda." "Various reasons?" "Appear to to have become"? Let's see if it works better my way, twelve urban dwelling Muslims purchase three tons of ammonium nitrate, enough to take out a city block. Nah, just a coincidence I'm sure. Probably just wanted to plant some potatoes in the vegie patch. Broad spectra of society? As Michelle Malkin puts it, a regular Benetton ad. Yep, no way twleve bearded Muslim men who attended training camp together could have anything in common, and you sir, are racist and a knave for thinking otherwise.
27 May 2006
A Correction
I'm back. It's been a busy and rather unpleasant few weeks here on the mountain. Never mind that though, I have a correction to make, No, no not of any my stuff..but of a certain mindset held by those on the left. Contrary to received wisdom, conservatives for the most part are not inclined to support "the party" or even Our Leader, when they do things that are overly ideologically unsound or, worse, things that are manifestly stupid. For that reason, the Republicans are highly likely to lose at at least one house of Congress in the upcoming election.
Whereas the Angry Left and their fellow travellers will donate to and vote for anyone, knave or fool, who is not the Other, conservatives will let their man or their party go down in flames rather than vote for someone who they believe takes them for granted or for fools.
Thus as W morphs into LBJ, his approval ratings plummet. Those aren't Democrats causing the numbers to go so low they'll soon have ro be measured on the Kelvin scale. Democrats, even nominal ones, were never on the positive side of that question. Those are conservatives voting with their bare or booted feet against a President and a party who have failed them on trade, failed them on the deficit, failed them on taxes, failed to prosecute the war, presided over a massive expansion of entitlements and corporate welfare and then took them for idiots during the immigration debate. Are American conservatives to be left with a choice between bad and worse?
Democrats should make W a saint. He's all but detroyed the house that Reagan built.
Whereas the Angry Left and their fellow travellers will donate to and vote for anyone, knave or fool, who is not the Other, conservatives will let their man or their party go down in flames rather than vote for someone who they believe takes them for granted or for fools.
Thus as W morphs into LBJ, his approval ratings plummet. Those aren't Democrats causing the numbers to go so low they'll soon have ro be measured on the Kelvin scale. Democrats, even nominal ones, were never on the positive side of that question. Those are conservatives voting with their bare or booted feet against a President and a party who have failed them on trade, failed them on the deficit, failed them on taxes, failed to prosecute the war, presided over a massive expansion of entitlements and corporate welfare and then took them for idiots during the immigration debate. Are American conservatives to be left with a choice between bad and worse?
Democrats should make W a saint. He's all but detroyed the house that Reagan built.
13 April 2006
10 April 2006
Reverse Invasion
This is bloody brilliant. I love it. The US will agree to allow open immigration from Mexico if Mexico extends the same privilege to American and Canadian citizens. That includes the automatic right to free (and bilingual) education,the right to work, the unrestricted right to buy land (foreign nationals in Mexico are highly restricted in what sort of investments they're allowed), to start and own 100% of a company, automatic Mexican citizenship on a reciprocal basis, etc. We'll see who changes whose country.
Ben Affleck moves from being a mere John Kerry suckass to being utterly deranged. I hope the Secret Service is having a heart to heart with him.
9 April 2006
Media Idiocy on Iran.
Not even the Telegraph is immune from MSM idiocy. Granted, the story and the real idiocy appeared in the Washington Post, the Telegraph should have reworded the misleading headline. The story purports to show that President Bush is planning a nuclear strike on Iran. All that really happened though is that among any number of military options presented to the White House (not to mention those short of military action), was one for the use of nuclear bunker-busting armaments. Since those options presumably range from doing nothing at all to an all out invasion, the limited use of a single tactical nuclear weapon would be in there someplace. One hopes it doesn't come to that, but if its a choice between an dangerous wacko who thinks he's the second coming of the hidden imam with a nuke in each hand, and a tactical strike, well I know what gets my vote.
7 April 2006
Hamas and China

Vital Perspective is one of the few blogs to explore the links between Beijing and Islamists and China's hopes of using Islamism to harass and distract the long as it doesn't include Muslims in Xinjiang of course. China has its own little Chechnya in waiting out there. I hope Zahar has time to get some suits made while he's in China.
Another Reason to Love John Howard
Mark Steyn has this from the almost the only world leader to tell the truth about Islam.
28 March 2006
Don't Kill Zacarias Moussaoui.
Zacarias Moussaoui should be spared the death penalty. That's not a cry for mercy, it's a cry for justice. Justice dictates that he not get the martyrdom he craves. Justice dictates that he die old, sick,alone, and forgotten in the deepest hole in a federal prison somewhere in Montana or Idaho and then be buried, unmourned and unremarked in the same place. Let his name be erased. Let him go as a prisoner, a coward and a fool, as a fading symbol of the utter insignificance to civilisation of him and all his kind.
27 March 2006
21 March 2006
University of Canterbury Staff: Good Riddance?
After all the pissing and moaning about academic freedom and the sacred arts, UC has laid off 8, count 'em 8, staff at the College of Arts. Frankly if they shut down the whole "Department" of American Studies, it would be no loss at all. Don't believe me? Take a look at the American Studies curriculum. Yep, I don't know how scholarship will endure without The Animal in Popular American Culture or Gender Busting and Other Radical Acts. How about all those panting to take "Hip Hop Culture"?
My personal favorite is The Body in American Culture where, I kid you not, Dr. Vernon Andrews will
Anybody see any history courses, you know, the ones that tell you what happened, when and why. Economics? Sorry, too many numbers. How about some study of US foreign policy or politics that goes beyond Bush hatred? No that would actually require someone to move beyond the cheap anti-Americanism that passes for political opinion around here.
My personal favorite is The Body in American Culture where, I kid you not, Dr. Vernon Andrews will
marshal a variety of theoretical perspectives - race and ethnicity, feminism and queer theory, cultural studies and poststructuralism - in order to understand the importance of sport in society. It moves outside "traditional" academic texts and knowledges, employing sport biographies, movies, newsclips, sports pages and magazines to forge an understanding of contemporary issues on race and gender in America.Oh yeah, sign me up for that.
Anybody see any history courses, you know, the ones that tell you what happened, when and why. Economics? Sorry, too many numbers. How about some study of US foreign policy or politics that goes beyond Bush hatred? No that would actually require someone to move beyond the cheap anti-Americanism that passes for political opinion around here.
7 March 2006
Movies We'd Like to See
NRO writer James Robbins has a few movies we'd like to see those courageous folks in Hollywood make.
My personal favorite:
Ambush at Gush Katif: This film would dramatize the 2004 roadside attack in Gaza on a car driven by Israeli social worker and expectant mother Tali Hatuel. Two Palestinian gunmen rushed the vehicle and discovered that the driver was a pregnant woman — whereupon they pumped bullets into her stomach and face . . . and then pumped bullets into the face of her 11-year-old daughter . . . and into the face of her nine-year-old daughter . . . and into the face of her seven-year-old daughter . . . and into the face of her two-year-old daughter. The attackers were eventually shot and killed by Israeli soldiers. The next day, two Palestinian organizations, Islamic Jihad and the Popular Resistance Committee, both claimed credit for the attack, and the official Voice of Palestine Radio called it a “heroic operation.” As an epilogue, the film would segue to the funeral for Hatuel and her daughters — which was interrupted when two more Palestinian gunmen, disguised as women, made it to the perimeter of the cemetery and opened fire on the mourners, including women and young children, who were sent scrambling behind parked cars and concrete barriers. Both gunmen were again shot dead by Israeli soldiers on hand to protect the crowd . . . and Islamic Jihad again claimed credit for the incident.
My personal favorite:
Ambush at Gush Katif: This film would dramatize the 2004 roadside attack in Gaza on a car driven by Israeli social worker and expectant mother Tali Hatuel. Two Palestinian gunmen rushed the vehicle and discovered that the driver was a pregnant woman — whereupon they pumped bullets into her stomach and face . . . and then pumped bullets into the face of her 11-year-old daughter . . . and into the face of her nine-year-old daughter . . . and into the face of her seven-year-old daughter . . . and into the face of her two-year-old daughter. The attackers were eventually shot and killed by Israeli soldiers. The next day, two Palestinian organizations, Islamic Jihad and the Popular Resistance Committee, both claimed credit for the attack, and the official Voice of Palestine Radio called it a “heroic operation.” As an epilogue, the film would segue to the funeral for Hatuel and her daughters — which was interrupted when two more Palestinian gunmen, disguised as women, made it to the perimeter of the cemetery and opened fire on the mourners, including women and young children, who were sent scrambling behind parked cars and concrete barriers. Both gunmen were again shot dead by Israeli soldiers on hand to protect the crowd . . . and Islamic Jihad again claimed credit for the incident.
3 March 2006
And another thing....
As some of my dissembling commentators know perfectly well, I'm not in the least concerned with private behaivior. To clarify for the morally clueless: Are you, personally, prepared to give up drinking alcohol; if a woman, to cover yourself from neck to ankle in public; if gay, to go WAY back in the closet; or, if unmarried, to give up public displays of affection? Well, are you? And those are just the things that offend moderate Muslims.
Why is it that people who have insisted on making a human rights issue out of the public display and public acceptance of their lifestyle at all times and in all places regardless of the offense caused are suddenly so reticent when it comes to Islamist sensibilities? Just a coincidence, I'm sure.
Why is it that people who have insisted on making a human rights issue out of the public display and public acceptance of their lifestyle at all times and in all places regardless of the offense caused are suddenly so reticent when it comes to Islamist sensibilities? Just a coincidence, I'm sure.
28 February 2006
And what about YOU?
For all those who criticised the printing, posting and dissemination of the Mohammad cartoons, two questions:
1. How much are you, personally, prepared to do to accomodate Islamic sensibilities? Think about it before you answer. A lot of things you, personally, like to do, eat, drink, read, say, wear and think sorely offend Muslims.
2. Would you, personally, sign your name to a caricature of Jesus, Buddha, Mary or Krishna and post it where it would be certain to be seen? Now, what about Mohammed?
1. How much are you, personally, prepared to do to accomodate Islamic sensibilities? Think about it before you answer. A lot of things you, personally, like to do, eat, drink, read, say, wear and think sorely offend Muslims.
2. Would you, personally, sign your name to a caricature of Jesus, Buddha, Mary or Krishna and post it where it would be certain to be seen? Now, what about Mohammed?
14 February 2006
7 February 2006
Get out the chisels.

Michelle Malkin finds an image of Big Mo in an interesting place......the United States Supreme Court.
6 February 2006
4 February 2006
In for a penny, in for a pound.
Pajama Media vs. Mullahs and the State Department
Mohammed Who?
It would be wrong NOT to link to this.Perhaps these cartoons will finally cause Muslims and the West to get a grip on what's really important.
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