13 June 2003

The Scott Ritter School of Weapons Inspection

One News has the story of Steve Allinson, a former UN weapons inspector in Iraq. Mr. Allinson can't quite decide what he thinks. He says he doubts whether Saddam "ever had a banned weapons program", except that we know that he did because he admitted that he did, and all of it that the Iraqis couldn't hide was destroyed under UN supervision. He also thinks his team should have been allowed to work on, looking for the weapons program he thinks was never there. I find it odd that the Allies are supposed to have uncovered it all by now, given that the same bleating skeptics were adamant a year ago that the UN be given as much time as required to search for WMDs. Would it be asking too much to expect One News to ask the occasional hard question? Come on, guys, you're journalists. If I can see the inconsistencies from up here on Cold Mountain, surely you can see them even better up close and personal.

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