2 August 2003

It's A Religion After All

As much as I admire the warrior scribe Andrew Sullivan, I think it's time for him to lay off the Catholic Church on the same-gender marriage issue. I have my own philosophical reasons for opposing same-gender marriage, but that's not the point here. As Andrew is well aware, Catholicism is a religion, not a political party or a social club. The Church (or any other religion for that matter) is not obligated to change what it considers fundamental and immutable principles to match the often loony perturbations of society. These principles, however medievel or reactionary, are supposed to be the word of God after all. If the believers cannot reconcile the principles of the religion with their own, then it's on the head of the person to change, go, shut-up, or start his own church. Down any other road lies schism and dissolution. There are all sorts of squashy religions out there that let you believe anything you want, but something tells me they don't provide much spiritual comfort.

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