24 August 2004

Is Kerry Just Gore on Prozac

Nothing against Prozac mind you. I think selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are fine things and the world could use more of them, especially if placed in the coffee at the Democratic National Committee, Labour HQ, or Margaret Wilson's whiskey.

Now that old John can't remember on Wednesday what he said on Monday, much less the details of that Christmas in Cambodia (I too once spent a Christmas eve thinking I was in Cambodia, so I have a certain amount of sympathy for Johnny's situation), maybe he'll play it straight from now on. Then again, playing it straight didn't work for Al either. The man just spoke too much nonsense too often.

Mark Steyn has a good take on this in the Telegraph. Reminds me of all those morons who thought Al Gore was an intellectual and Bush was a, well, moron. It was all too convenient to forget that Al(pha) was the college dropout--from theology of all things-- while Bush got the MBA.

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