7 September 2004

Say goodnight, John

John Kerry is going down, he's going down like McGovern and Dukakis and Mondale because like them he really and truly believes that the New York Times, the faculty club at Ann Arbor, and the population of Marin County will carry the day. Wrong. Wrong and stupid.
All those folks in the flyover states really go and vote, and they're really going to vote for W.

Kerry meanwhile takes deathbed advice from Bubba, who sensibly urges him to shut up about Viet Nam. Message to John: almost no one buys the war hero story and even fewer people want to hear it again. Problem is that Kerry has nothing else to talk about. Oh, well. May be he can inherit the Teddy Kennedy role of senior aging, Chivas-addicted loser from Massachusetts. Mark Steyn has more.

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