20 February 2005

Root and Branch

This story shows once again what a deeply corrupt and sleazy organisation the UN has become. Why would anyone trust these clowns with their country? It is high time that the nations which pay most of the bills to start cleaning house. The UN needs complete reformation and the place to start is the bizarre assumption that statehood alone is a sufficient qualification for having a vote. Why should anyone give a toss what Robert Mugabe thinks about anything? Why is Taiwan, with 23 million free souls, a booming economy, the most free press between Delhi and Tokyo and genuine democracy denied even observer status? The Westphalian model of states as the only legal actors in international affairs needs to be consigned to the history books as an idea past its use-by date.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Why is Taiwan, with 23 million free souls, a booming economy, the most free press between Delhi and Tokyo and genuine democracy denied even observer status?"

The disingenuousness that oozes out of the otherwise bucolic woods atop Cold Mountain like black gold out of an Arkansas bog is really a bit much lately. Mr Firmin certainly knows that the reason Taiwan has no status in the UN is because the US and all the other major powers crave entre to the "China Market" and would therefore be willing to deeply and repeatedly smooch the o-ring in any Red Prince's trouser bottoms as often as necessary. It is so interesting that the so-called Right (and their running dogs) in their unremitting efforts to find or create an international bogeyman to explain generations of frightful bungling on the international stage by BOTH U.S. political parties constantly forgets that THEY ARE THE U.N., too. The UN didn't descend from another planet; nor was it imposed on an unknowing and naive US by a cabal of alien internationalists. It was created in the image of the Powers FOR THEIR PURPOSES and the US and its interests have dominated the working bits (that is, the Security Council, not the General Assembly) for decades. So who is going to do the "cleaning up" that Mr Firmin imagines? Perhaps he is still trying to leverage that beam out of his own eye, but I am sure he will tell us when he figures it out....