9 April 2006

Media Idiocy on Iran.

Not even the Telegraph is immune from MSM idiocy. Granted, the story and the real idiocy appeared in the Washington Post, the Telegraph should have reworded the misleading headline. The story purports to show that President Bush is planning a nuclear strike on Iran. All that really happened though is that among any number of military options presented to the White House (not to mention those short of military action), was one for the use of nuclear bunker-busting armaments. Since those options presumably range from doing nothing at all to an all out invasion, the limited use of a single tactical nuclear weapon would be in there someplace. One hopes it doesn't come to that, but if its a choice between an dangerous wacko who thinks he's the second coming of the hidden imam with a nuke in each hand, and a tactical strike, well I know what gets my vote.

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