4 October 2006

Didn't Work Then, Won't Work Now.

The Investors Business Daily has this editorial on the departure of arch-scumbag and congenital idiot Mark Foley. The Democrats have covered up, protected and preserved the careers of at least four of their number, including Bill Clinton, in the face of sex scandals as bad as or worse (in the case of Garry Studds) than Foley's. I'm sure this was intended as an October surprise. The benefit to Republicans of course is that they can point to their own condemnation, censure and probable prosecution of Foley in contrast to the Democrats' excusing their own creeps.

It's exactly like the Democrats sudden revelation of W's 30 year old DUI while the Chivas soaked Ted Kennedy remains an elder statesman. After all Ted only killed someone in his own alcoholic haze. Meanwhile Kennedy's degenerate nephew and Democratic Congressman goes racing around Washington soaked to the eyeballs in Scotch and tranquilisers. The voters smell hypocrisy a mile away...didn't work then, won't work now.

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