22 December 2007

Democracy for all: except when it's inconvenient for Washington.

Secretary of State Rice repeats the same tired, mendacious and hypocritical line on Taiwan that successive administrations, their lips planted firmly on Beijing's ass, have trotted out for 30 years. Taiwan wants UN membership. China in it's annual display of truculent revanchism, says no. Washington, in its annual display of spineless pandering says that Taiwan should not hold a referendum on the issue. Let's see, on the one side we have a free market democracy with an unbroken record of friendship for the United States, the freest press in Asia, and a strategically important geographic position. On the other hand we have a one party Communist police state with an unbroken history of hostility to American interests, a state engaged in aggressive espionage, a nuclear weapons buildup and economic warfare. So which side does Washington come down on? American policy toward Taiwan is a disgrace.

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