25 August 2008

Skank of the Year.

Can there be a sleazier, skankier, more low-rent woman on the planet? If I saw her on Oxford Terrace late at night I'd assume she was working the drunk trade.

Ugly too.


Anonymous said...

IT is, for a change, utterly inexplicable just why Mr Firmin still has his favorite skank prominently featured on this blog rather than MY favorite skank, the future vice-president. Or for that matter, why his razor sharp mind is not not lacerating the Republicans for creating the largest financial crisis since 1929. But then Cold Mountain is so VERY cold, isn't it...

Anonymous said...

AND another thing. Why so silent when the REPUBLICAN administration of GW Bush becomes the largest nationalizer of private corporations in American history (or anyway since the sainted FDR) (and it isn't over yet!)

Socialized medicine will make you blind and destroy your manhood but somehow nationalizing banks or insurance companies is chicken soup for the soul...

NOT that any of us are ungrateful for Mr Firmin's own financial perspicacity...

Anonymous said...

OK Mr Firmin, this is getting ridiculous; now YOUR MAN McCain is in full retreat from his own statements on the latest Republican cluster fuck AND he has "suspended" his campaign because he chose a running mate who could only act as his surrogate in a debate if she received both a brain implant AND a personality transplant, and YOU REMAIN SILENT! Could this be the beginning of a heat wave on Cold Mountain?

Max Firmin said...

Re comment 2, see latest post. I have NEVER said a kind word about W's economic "policies". Re remaining comments, I have no brief for John McCain other than he is not Barack Obama, nor for Sarah Palin other than that she is not Barack Obama. Hence lack of posting on either of them.

For the record, Obama may be a nice guy, he may even be competent, talented and well-intended. Maybe. But what I see is a very creepy individual. I see a man with totalitarian leanings, a man who barely keeps his megalomania under control while assiduously concealing his past, suppressing questions about his associations, and perfectly willing to use the power of the State to do both of those things.

If you liked Richard Nixon, vote for Barack Obama.

Anonymous said...

SO, if Mr Fimrin sees Obama in such a light it would appear that, except for Obama's actual political persuasion, to be a perfect replica of Bush/Cheney, two gentlemen who have creepy megalomanic misuse of state power down to a science!

Max Firmin said...

(AUDIO: Cue loud sigh.)

And this is why the Democrats are heading for a wholly undeserved landslide defeat when they should only lose by the merest whisker. No one seems to have told them that Bush & Cheney aren't running for anything. Biden did it again today. I like Biden, he's a smartass but I think he's a patriot and I know he isn't stupid. SO why did he spend a good sixty per cent of his debate time running against either W or Cheney?