19 January 2004

Latest from Helengrad

All you businessmen, entrepreneurs, investors, the lot of you, can just blow off to Fiji for the rest of the year. The Prime Minister will be deciding which industries are winners
from now on, and she doesn't need any advice from the likes of you. And the new winner is....ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING. Aren't we surprised?

Read the article. Lots of talk of plans, programmes, policies, strategies, task forces, but not a word about making money. That isn't thought to be necessary and presumably will come from taxing Mr. and Mrs. Kiwi a bit more and then a bit more on top of that. I love it. Even the Chinese don't try and pick "winning industries" anymore. Helen says she's off to India as well, but she likely has more in common with Fidel Castro.

At some point, probably just about 24 hours after the US and the Eurozone start raising interest rates, money will flow out of this country like a rip tide and Labour's economic folly will stand revealed in all its Muldoonian glory. Of course by then, it will take a generation to undo the damage.

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