8 October 2005

Don't Confirm Harriet Miers.

It took Osama bin Laden to save George W. Bush's presidency. There, I said it. I'm as conservative as one can be here in Godzone without being arrested for thought crimes, and I have swallowed much principle to support W because I believed (and still do) that his leadership is needed if civilization is to triumph over Islamofascism. His domestic policies however have been erratic and unprincipled to the point of stupidity. Now however he has committed an error of judgement so gross as to cost him the support of his greatest well wishers.

In nominating the unqualified and unserious Harriet (Harriet who?) Miers to the Supreme Court, he has betrayed his party, the cconservative cause, and worst of all, the Constitution. What did he do, throw a dart at a list of his cronies? George Will has the best and most stinging take on this, but the conservative blogosphere is on fire with criticism. If Harriet Who? has a single conservative bone in her body, she withdraw her name and urge the president to nominate any of tens of thousands of more qualified people.

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