10 October 2005

What Does a Guy Have to Do To Go to Jail Around Here?

Nanny's little helpers spend a lot of time and the MSM spends a lot of ink wondering why there's so much crime, especially the burglary, dairy robbery, purse snatching, graffitti scribbling, boy racing, village idiot level crime that fills those little side bars in the papers. Here's a hint. How about the failure to lock up recidivist crims after their third, or tenth, or fiftieth, or sixty-fifth conviction?

This is ridiculous even by New Zealand standards. Young Joshua Lukic has finally been sent down at the tender age of 17 after admitting to 62 crimes between 2002 and 2004, plus eight convictions in adult court. Even making the highly dubious assumption that this is the extent of Lukic's crime wave, the public can be forgiven for wondering why this little thug was still walking the streets.

Maybe "three strikes and you're out" is a bit harsh, but how about, say, "10 strikes and you're out". In a moment of masterful understatement, the Probation Service said that it's "sceptical of Lukic's attitude to rehabilitation."

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