22 June 2006

What If There's Already a Warhead?

I hope (but without much confidence) that someone besides me is thinking about this. What if Bouffant Boy has already put some kind of warhead on the missile that North Korea is about to test? What if BB has decided that a demonstration detonation in the Aleutians or somewhere in the north Pacific would be a dandy way to impress the world with his seriousness? What do we know: 1) the NoKo's have at least one weaponized fission device; 2) the NoKo's have at least one--but probably only one-- long range missile; 3) the NoKo's are led by a man whose world view is not, strictly speaking, firmly grounded in objective reality. Given those three facts, shouldn't we (by which I mean the West), be giving serious consideration to destroying the launch site? We know where it is, we can see it and we have all sorts of large explosive devices that can be delivered with great accuracy. (right, Zark? What was that? You're gurgling again.) We do not, a week from now, want to be explaining why Seattle will be uninhabited for the next 400 years due to fallout from one explosion somewhere in Alaska.


Anonymous said...

This is all nothing more than bellicosity as fashion accessory. Perhaps the worthy Mr Firmin will enlighten us all about the "upside" of his suggested policy versus the "downside" in a such a way as to make his desired action rational. Or perhaps he could paint us a picture of a future for the Korean peninsula which does not amount to the US clearing out of the place in favor of a return to the Chinese suzerainty of pre-1882 days....

Max Firmin said...

Actually, I see nothing at all wrong with the US clearing out of the place entirely.

Anonymous said...

Well, there are those in Peking and elsewhere that would agree with you, to be sure, but show me the political will in either American party to even contemplate the thing.