7 May 2007

The Bloody Streets of Christchurch

Well, another bloody night in Christchurch. A combination of police incompetence and an obsession with softly, softly, gently handling the drunken thugs and psychopaths that own the city at night have led to dead and many injured.

Incompetence is a hard word, so let's look at it. First, the police should have cleared that party at the very first sign that there was underage drinking going on. They'd have had every right to so. Clearly, there were multiple criminal offenses committed before those two girls were murdered...disturbing the peace, obstructing traffic, drink driving, supplying alcohol to minors, assaulting police officers, unlawful assembly, at least. Anyone of these would have been enough for the police to clear that party an hour before. But no, they waited until murder was committed.

Second (and it'll be interesting to see whose account is true), the occupants of the house have told the Press that they asked police to disperse the outdoor crowd, having barricaded themselves inside with the invited guests. They also claim that the police then told them to send away the crowd. If this is true, it's outrageous.

Garry Moore can spread all the bullshit that he wants...Christchurch isn't safe after 9:00 PM on weekends and everybody knows it.

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