12 October 2007

And the Nobel Prize for Hypocrisy goes to... Al Gore

So Al Gore is odds on to win the Nobel Peace Prize. How utterly consistent with the mendacious, trivial, banal and pretentious history of this "prize". Al the Hypocrite can join other fabulists like Rigoberta Menchu, thieves like Kofi Annan, terrorists like Yasser Arafat, retired terrorists like Menachem Begin, enablers and apologists for terrorists like David Trimble, military dictators like Anwar Sadat, war criminals like Le Duc Tho, and enablers of war criminals like Henry Kissinger. In all seriousness, I wouldn't be surprised if the next prize went to Osama bin Laden or Mahmud Ahamdinejad.

So here's to Al. I wonder if he can find room in his mansion for the...what do they give you? A gold plated mirror? I wonder if he'll take the Lear or fly first class? There is little better symptom of the decline of civilization than that this bloated, lying rent seeker has somehow become an "intellectual".

If there's one good thing to come out of this, it will be that Al's already etiolated moral sense, fueled by his swollen ego will lead him to challenge Billary for the presidency, thereby ensuring the final demise of the Democratic Party. Maybe he'll launch a 3rd party. I'd give him a Nobel for that.

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