1 October 2007

Green Hypocrisy

AWOL Civilization's post on truth inspired me to another rant about green hypocrisy and the general tendency of the left to indulge in groupthink. Remember Dan Rather’s “wrong, but true” libel of the President? Dan-o has since veered off into full fledged conspiracy theory loondom, but the best exemplars are of course the environmental hypocrites.

Al Gore is of course the poster boy for environmental hypocrisy with his private jet, his 5000 square foot mansion, and his habit of purchasing carbon indulgences from a company owned by….Al Gore. Then there is the Learjet left who assuage their guilt over the latest trip to Exuma or Biarritz by getting peasants in India to give up their irrigation pumps for the treadmill. The hyperwealthy blowhards like Mike Bloomberg with his three palatial homes who are happy to send the price of food soaring by subsidising “biofuels”. Even W, in thrall to the fram lobby has signed on to this one. And the story is much older than that. Let millions of poor Africans die of malaria because DDT is banned, let Mexican peasants go without tortillas because the corn crop is diverted to biodiesel projects. We need to start calling these people on their disgusting hypocrisy, but their moral obtuseness will probably make that a futile effort.

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