8 October 2008

McCain-Obama "Debate"

And here they come. McCain in his red tie, Obama in his blue. Was that prearranged? If McCain doesn't find a way to nail Obbi on his idiotic economic plans, he deserves to lose.

First question on the economy. Obama won the coin toss. Good sign, BHO is running against Bush. Calling for oversight, cracking down on CEO's. The question was how to get the economy up and running quickly. Obbi says middle class tax cut, fix this, fix that, no specifics,. It's his stump speech.

McC.: Doing his town hall thing walks right over to the crowd. Stop sending money to OPEC. Getting specific. RTC solution purchase mortgages directly, write down to positive equity. Not my preferred choice...sounds a little lame really.

Brokaw: Who will be your Secretary of Treasury? They aren't going to answer that and it's a waste of time. McC mentions Warren Buffett (Christ almighty), Obbi goes along he likes WB too. Yeah, yeah.

Q2: Bailout. McC needs to sound a lot more confident. Here he goes after Fannie & Freddie. Referes to "Obama & his cronies". Name names, will ya? "Some members of Congress". Follow up. Obbi, Dodd, Frank,....

BHO: Obbi-= crdit crunch still exists. He dodges. He's still running against W. He says he warned about the problem a year ago. Oops. Screw up. Pointing out that McC's bill didn't pass. That's the point, fool. Will McC jump on that?

Obbi on followup: back to his stump speech. Talking about "modernizing" regulation? Huh?

McC: Back to the buy-out mortgage idea. Now back to the stump speech. We're No. 1 rah, rah, rah.

Q3: How can we trust you with with our money? Obbi takes out after W again. Loser's game. Here he goes, government spends too much money and I'm going to spend more. Then he says he's going to cut spending. Which is it?

McC: He's trying to make Obbi count it up. This isn't going to change anybody's mind. We all know BHO is a big spender. Problem is that ALL of you are big spenders. If you don't see any reason to vote for McC, you won't see one now either. McC pointing out that the 700B we send to OPEC is exactly enough to cover the Bailout. Drill, gas, wind, solar, ....

Obbi-More government money to subsidise energy research. McC needs to call him on the spend more/spend cut paradox. Sheez, he's even using McC's "line by line" speech. Says McC will give money to oil companies. So who's going to get Obbi's subsidy? Ben & Jerry's?

Thirty minutes in. Neither of these guys has gone beyond the same script they've been on for a year.

Obbi-we're going to bring car manufacturing back to America. OK, but why? I'm going to double the Peace Corps. Maybe the Peace Corps volunteers could work in the auto plants. Yawn.

Is there any point to this? It's just the same old, same old. I'll be back if either of them says anything new.

McC: Nothing new. Climate change kool-aid time. McC goes nuclear. Finally. He sounds like Obbi, we can do it, yes we can.

Obbi: This (climate change) is one of the biggest challenges of our time. He confuses the invention of the computer with the development of the Internet. At least he didn't give credit to Algore. I'll subsidise a "new green engine." Yeah, yeah, how about a phaser gun and transporter booth while we're at it.

Brokaw is pathetic. Send him back to Old Hacks' Home.

Now McC is running against, I kid you not, "Bush and Cheney". Drill here, drill now.

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