7 November 2008

The Markets Vote (continued)

Markets aren't moved by vacuous words about hopeful audaciousness or audacious change, or hopefulness we can believe in. Markets are moved by tens of billions of individual decisions based on a hard look at a personal bottom line. The global markets have a held a two day referendum on an Obama administration and the results are in. Obo won and everybody else lost. Another 5% off the Dow was reflected by diving markets from London to Hong Kong. What are they pricing in? They're pricing in not just a full scale assault on the American economy by the Obama/Reid/Pelosi/Schumer/Rangel/Waxman economic know-nothings, they're pricing in the fact that Russia felt confident enough the day after the election to move missiles to the Polish border. They're pricing in the fact that the makers of global chaos have taken Obo's measure and decided, "Here is a man we can roll." They're pricing in the protectionism and statism that the Obo Administration will bring in. They're pricing in the fact a man who preached change has just brought in a sleazy Chicago political fixer to run his White House. The markets have voted no confidence. Welcome to the Nixon/Carter years.

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