21 November 2008

You Took the Words Right Out of my Mouth.

Just as I was sitting here over my second cup of coffee thinking how much Reid, Frank and Pelosi reminded me of Moe, Curly and Larry, the Jawa Report beats me to the metaphor. He has Schumer instead of Frank, but Chuckie makes a perfect Shemp.

These fools (and I mean that literally) will drive us all into poverty and then retire on their iron-clad, government guaranteed, inflation indexed pensions. I hope everyone who voted for Odumbo and the Corrupticrats takes a good long look around them...and then Google East Germany or 1970's Britain for a glimpse of your future.

Why isn't Barney Frank being ridden out of town on a rail for his insolent incompetence and his rank stupidity?

Why isn't Chris Dodd getting ready to shank Ted Stevens for the top bunk at Lorton?

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