26 May 2005

Amnesty International's Intellectual Gulag

Amnesty International, which long ceased being any kind of serious voice for human rights has gone all breathless over Guantanamo, calling it the "Gulag of our time." As the good folks over at Blogger News Network point out there is slight difference between the two, not so you'd notice if you happen to be as historically illiterate and ignorant as AI.

BNN notes: ' "The gulag" is a reference to the vast network of almost 500 prison camps and detention centers operated by the former Soviet Union over a span of some sixty-plus years, in which tens of millions were imprisoned and millions died. There are 540 men being held at Guantanamo Bay on suspicion of being part of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan or associated with the al-Qaida terrorist network.'

We've become used to this sort of gasping hyperbole from the left, but this is astounding in its disregard for history.

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