18 May 2005

Newsweek and Islamofascism

Paul Marshall over at the NRO has a very pointed comment on the Newsweek matter. He's quite right in pointing that Newseek is biased and that its bias led it in this case to negligence and stupidity. He's also right in pointing out that the Koran story was only the latest excuse for rioting in all the Carpetstans. The real problems are the sick, degenerate societies produced by Islamic fundamentalism and our tolerance of same. Let's stop all the PC nonsense and say what everyone knows:

Islam gave up its protection as a religion when it became an expressly political enterprise, an ideology like Communism or National Socialism. Islam recognises no secular realm, no rendering unto Caesar. Until some Islamic Martin Luther appears, no society based on Islamic principles is going to get past the 10th Century.

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