18 October 2004

Anti-Americanism in Europe

This article by Carol Gould was sent to me by a friend. It set in motion a chain of thought which ended in, "Why in the name of God should Americans give a tinker's dam about Europe?"

Most Americans would to be too polite to point out that it was exactly this kind of moral cowardice, political blindness; cheap, gutless racism and unthinking slavishness to prejudice that let the real Nazis walk all over Europe like a toilet floor.

Most Americans would to too polite to remind the moral geldings of old Europe of the repeated gross failures of their political arrangements, or the extreme debt in blood and treasure they owe to the United States.

Most Americans, outside of Berkeley or Ann Arbor anyway, wouldn't conclude that the entire continent has been releived of its critical faculties by French hucksters like Jacques Derrida.

Most Americans wouldn't think to suggest to that we should offer residence to every Jewish man, woman, and child between Lisbon and Moscow so that old Europe can get with becoming a society of old white socialists and teenage Muslim radicals.

Most Americans, but not me.

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