16 October 2004

Neighbours: Type A and Type B

Whether you live in a large apartment complex, a suburb, or even a farming area, you know that there two types of neighbours. When Type A neighbours ring your doorbell unexpectedly, you invite them in, open a bottle of wine or make some coffee, and sincerely hope they can stay for dinner. When Type B neighbours drop over, you turn off the lights, remain very quiet and sincerely hope they go away. When I heard about John Edwards and his wife making snide cracks about Dick Cheney's daughter, it hit me. The Edwardses and the Kerrys are Type B and the Bushes and Cheneys are Type A.

Kerry is just clueless and Ter-ay-za is just obnoxious, but John Edwards is repulsive.

The man is the very epitome of an ambulance chasing trial lawyer..he'll say anything to win. It wasn't just the stuff about Mary Cheney, but that business about how the lame will walk again if Kerry is elected was sickening.

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