7 October 2004

This Has Got to Be a Joke

The National Front couldn't invent this in their wildest goose-stepping dreams.Under this theory we could all be paying Ngati Bludgeu a dollar for every breath of air we take, every step we make on New Zealand soil, and every drink of water (or anything made with water, unless of course we use Perrier). Do we get a refund when we piss or exhale? I've had about enough of this and I suspect most Maori have as well, first it was the electromagnetic spectrum, now airspace. Call me reactionary, but maybe the government should consider deducting from any treaty settlement the costs of the infrastructure, judicial system and medical care that are a result of European settlement. Is there some good reason why New Zealanders are required to reject 2000 years of western civilisation for a dying Stone Age culture?

1 comment:

sagenz said...

Mate. Read their policy and you will understand that logic and being rational dont have a whole lot to do with it. Just a collection of wasters raging against the world. They are objects of pity. white trash. nothing more nothing less. check out the really sad photos of a bunch of losers doing nazi salutes in a park. they are only getting attention because people keep taking the piss out of them