24 October 2004

The Guardian Calls for Bush's Assassination

Bush hatred among the foaming-mouth left has reached its logical end with Guardian "writer" Charlie Brooker's fatwa against President Bush.

That right, a columnist in a serious, if somewhat deluded publication, one that has editors and sub-editors and other people whose job is control the rantings of its more feverish employees, has called for the murder of the President of the United States. We're all used to the sweating screeds against Bush, but murder is normally limited to pet media in Tehran and Damascus. This is far beyond the pale.

It's time for a boycott of Guardian advertisers.

And lets hope that a couple of serious gentlemen from the Secret Service and their friends at Scotland Yard pay a call on Mr. Brooks. It's a crime in both the United States and Britain to call for the assassination of public figure or to incite to murder.

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