22 October 2004

Well, that should certainly do it.

Now I know for certain that Kerry is not man who is firmly grounded in reality as most of us understand it. He's asked Al Gore to campaign for him in Florida. Now whose stupid idea was this? Karl Rove's? Gore is a delusional bi-polar, a switch with only two settings: crushing, drool inducing, pedant or gibbering paranoid wildman. Gore reminds me of those old East European royals forever plotting to regain the throne of Lower Blowmevia

What is with Kerry? I never thought he was much except an old lefty blowhard, but I can't figure out who keeps giving him lame advice. Could be Karl Rove, that Evil Genius; could be Bubba throwing a spanner into the works to give Hilary a clear shot in 2008; could be Ter-ay-za "Let Them Get a Real Job" .

Bush must be chortling in his sleep over this.

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